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Types of surrogacy

The differences stem from the origin of the gametes and the financial arrangements with your surrogate:

• Host or gestational surrogacy: the woman acting as the surrogate is not genetically related to the child. The embryo may be created, using IVF, from the eggs and sperm of the commissioning parents combined with either donor eggs or sperm.

• Traditional or partial surrogacy: the surrogate is the genetic mother of the child. Sperm from the male of the commissioning couple is used to artificially inseminate the surrogate using IUI.

• Altruistic surrogacy: the surrogate receives no more than allowable expenses and so does not benefit financially from the surrogacy arrangement.

• Commercial surrogacy: a fee is paid to the surrogate, on top of allowable expenses, as payment for the service. surrogacy cost

تلفن :  09909505624
منطقه :  تهران
آدرس :  سهروردی شمالی
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در مورد: Surrogacy
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