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پمپ خلا Vacuum Pump

Single Stage Rotary Vacuum Pump With Magnetic Valve and Press Gage
diaphragm vacuum pump has features of more advanced design, higher efficiency, longer operating life.It is an all new product engaging in the new and high technology.It is mainly used in medicinal products analysis, tenuously chemical engineering, biochemical pharmacy, food examination, investigating and solving criminal case, etc.It is an ideal product used with the high-accuracy chromatogram apparatus, and it is the essential equipment in the laboratory.

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  تهران
آدرس :  خ باقر خان شرقی پلاک 33
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در مورد: پمپ خلا Vacuum Pump
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کلمات کلیدی :
VACUUM PUMP پمپ حلا روغنی پمپ خلا خشک