ورود کاربران

تازه وارديد؟ ثبت نام كنيد

آپلود ویدیو

با انتشار ویدیو در دالفک، مشتریان جدید را کشف کنید.

پرداخت با کارتهای عضو شتاب

آگهی های جدید

کلمات کلیدی

خدمات روادید

خدمات روادید

Respectfully related to servicing to foreign experts and guests , informing you that KJRomac company with legal license from Foreigners Working Office , according to the Islamic Republic of Iran`s law , is ready to service companies in following fields ;
1 – Presenting consulting services to domestic and foreign companies related to foreigners .
2 – Getting the normal visa (72 hours – one week and more ) and working visa for foreign traders and experts .
3 - Getting the work permit and stay permit for foreign technicians and experts
4 - Getting the license for exit and return for foreign guests and technicians and experts and Change and extension the normal visa to working visa .
5 - Doing actions related to the cancellation of work permit and taxes of foreigners .And getting the license for permanent exit .
6 - Securing the professional people for projects like : technicians , experts , supervisors .
7 - Arranging commercial meetings with authorities of companies both private and governed.
8 - Providing ticket , welcoming and escorting , staying and transporting s .
9 - Providing consulting services in consular matters like marriage of Iranian with foreigners , things related to Iranian abroad , things related to foreign immigrants , marketing for products and services , providing consulting services in establishing –activities and launching foreign companies in Iran .
There fore if that respected management is willing to use above services , they can be packed in following contract formats ;
1 – providing consultancy related to foreigners
2 – individual contact for each of above services
3- combining contracts due to the requests
4 – long term contracting with romac company with total responsibility for all the above services.
In addition to the services above , we are also active in business and broker fields in following areas :
1 – Bitumen transiting from Iraq to Afghanistan
2 – Fuel : Gasoil, Iraq mazot
3 – Petrochemical products , Sulfur , Urea
4 – Tile and ceramic : Cement
5 – Food : rice , oil , sugar , ton of fish and grain .
We are hopeful to start relations in the field of our commonalities with that respectful company.

Direct Manager

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه : 
آدرس : 
تماس با آگهی دهنده ()
در مورد: خدمات روادید
نام :
ایمیل یا تلفن :
پیام :

کلمات کلیدی :