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Compounding Industrial Polymers

Compounding Industrial Polymers

Compounding Industrial Polymers

compounding the biggest share in the development of new compounds and formulations have been involved in the plastics industry .
Infinite sequence of add - Rainbow total - fillers and reinforcing resins allow manufacturers to the specific properties of the base polymers that they have opportunities for new applications and reducing prices are provided and polymer industries to develop the final product .

Compounding or polymer chemistry is bassed on the combination of a base polymer modifiers - additives and polyner molecular chains and the other to create new structures is performed .

Polymers and mixtures of compounds with different functions can add variety and make the show better perfomance and have higher mechanical strength making them softer and easier to process .

during the process of mixing and backing in the machine Patchwork easily mixed and separated from the process equipment in total manufacturing process (shaping and molding) Brakhty is performed and costs operations are quite competitive and affordable .

one of the things that compounding industrial polymers are used as fillers and rainforcements that improve the physical properties - resistance to adverse environmental conditions and reduced costs are the product.

Calcium Carbonate is one of the cheapest fillers and reinforcements are among the wide range of roles expand pogment and filler used .

one of our products is granular calcium carbonate which is produced in two colors - white and black - this product can make parts of Polypropylene - Polyethylene and Polystyrene can be used .

for example : making plastic auto parts - seats - trays - boxes shopping - toys - garbage bags - polypropylene packaging straps etc...

competitive price and delivery contaminated source(factory) is performed .

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  استان تهران
آدرس :  استان تهران - تهران
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