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آگهی های جدید

Industrial Company «TIZ SAAZ SANAT»

Industrial Company «TIZ SAAZ SANAT»

TIZ SAAZ SANAT manufacturer of equipment for the production of sand / asphalt and batching plant with the best quality and after-sales service in Uzbekistan
Manufacture of batching plants
Manufacture of Asphalt plant as fixed and mobile facility
Manufacture of equipment production sand (sand maker)
Phone number :+98 ********08
Email : [email protected]
Sale of asphalt plant in Uzbekistan
Sale of crusher in Uzbekistan
Sale of batching plant in Uzbekistan
Sale of mobile asphalt plant in Uzbekistan
Sale of mobile crusher in Uzbekistan
Sale of mobile batching plant in Uzbekistan
Buying of batching plant in Uzbekistan
Buying of asphalt plant in Uzbekistan
Buying of crusher in Uzbekistan
Sale of asphalt plant
Sale of crusher
Sale of batching plant
Sale of sand washer in Uzbekistan
Sale of sand washer
Sale of hydrocone in Uzbekistan
Sale of hydrocone
Sale of equipment production sand (sand maker)

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  استان تهران
آدرس :  استان تهران - تهران
تماس با آگهی دهنده ()
در مورد: Industrial Company «TIZ SAAZ SANAT»
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