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آگهی های جدید

Iranian Psychologist

Iranian Psychologist

Dr Hamideh Jahangiri

MD., PhD.

Dr. Hamideh Jahangiri is one of the Iranian scientists that her researches focus on psychology and medical area. She gets MD. Degree from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and PhD. Degree in Health Psychology from Payame Noor University. She teaches psychology courses at Payame Noor University. On the other hand, she researches in health and medical topics and she participates some international conference as a researcher. She wrote and translated dozen books in the fields of psychology and psychiatry and medical sciences with Prof. Haraton Davidian, Prof. Parirokh Dadsetam & Prof. Heidarali Hooman.

تلفن :  منقضی شده
منطقه :  تهران
آدرس : 
تماس با آگهی دهنده ()
در مورد: Iranian Psychologist
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